English final

May 12, 2006 10:10

well hi to everyone who reads this.. It might boring or intresting to you. Well today was my last day of english and we had to right a pursasive paper in class, we had a list of topics to chose from and and I chose adoption to write about. Of course I stated how a child can change you family, bring joy to you, how they need some who loves them 24/7 and so forth. So I finish my paper by saying that adoping keeps children out of harms way, and of course I am so for adoption. The only thing that puzzled me was that I did not mention anything about the handicap. Of course this was a short paper. But still.........:(

If you really know me, then you know how I adore working with the handicap. Each time I am with them It brings joy to my life. It makes me mad to know that people wont adopt a handicap child, that is one thing I would do in heartbeat. And if I did that then I would have to many kids, cause I would adopt them all. I cant stand how people dont want them because they are more difficult to take care of, due to that u might not understand what they want, you have to be there feet sometimes, or you have to be there for them every day, but that is the joy of having them. Your there with them almost every second of the day, you see the joy and the dis~appointment in their face. I dont know but they are the fun~est to be around.. Ok I just wanted to rant about it.. I so badly care for each of them and espically for the ones I work with during the summer when I voluenteer or sometimes get paid. That is my major joy in my life.:)

Luv alwayz in Chirst Nikki
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