The saddest day of all

Jul 14, 2006 04:08

So here I am single again. What does it mean. It means I've lost my best friend and companion. The good times just weren't worth the bad times anymore.I gave and gave and gave and he kept taking.It was enough. I'm going to miss:
-the meowing at each other though... don't quite know if I'll find someone weird enough for that
-talking in jibberish.
-back massages
-The way he smiles
-cuddling on the couch
-being loved.
-being understood inside out
-having someone need me

Not going to miss:
-The nasty names he calls me when he doesn't get his way
-always borrowing money
-destroying my property
-My life being controlled by someone else's addiction
-The bitching when he gets tired

Why can't I see what everyone else sees in him... why dod I have to see the potential.

Oh yah... I'm a Management Trainee at Safeway now
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