Pics from Comic Con Torchwood Panel

Jul 27, 2008 13:54

Just a word before going on to the pictures...
So we got GREAT seats. I mean, front row, left side of the stage. My line-squatter-for-the-day cousin sat in the queue for two hours to get these seats. (Meanwhile, yours truly was downstairs in the Exhibit Hall getting her stuff signed by JB and GDL.)

Anyways, only problem was there was this monitor on the stage that was in our way! I prayed and prayed that JB and GDL would be sitting closer to our side, but alas, no luck, my side got a great view of the moderator and Julie Gardner. If I stretched myself way to the left I could get JB. But as it was, they were strictly adhering to the rule that everyone had to stay in their seats. The good thing about sitting on the left side was that we sat almost next to where John's family members were sitting! So I got good shots of when John's parents stood up as well as Scott! But I am kinda bummed I couldn't get any shots of GDL or Naoko. :( Oh well.

OK! Wanna see pics?

torchwood, john barrowman, gareth david-lloyd, naoko mori, julie gardner, comic con

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