Somewhat late, but anyways...
Title: Midnight Meeting
monkeypuzzleFandom: Ultraviolet
Pairing: Mike/Jack
Rating: R
Warning: Bondage
A/N: My late ass reply to
raphe1's Drabble Meme request. 152 words.
Summory: "You don't need those." "Oh, I think I do."
“You don’t need those.”
Jack smiles wickedly at Mike’s soft, hesitant voice, and closes his eyes as he falls back onto the bed. The sheets are cool beneath him, and brush deliciously against the bare skin of his back when he reaches above his head to feed the loose end of the handcuffs around the bed post. With a snick that skitters it’s way through his flesh, he locks the other end tight around his own wrist. A hitched breath at the edge of his hearing, and he opens his eyes to look straight into Mike’s own wide ones. With slow, deliberate motions he places his feet flat on the bed, and slides down, stretching his arms out full. He strains against his restraint, loving the way it digs into his skin, reveling in the way Mike’s breath has gotten shallower, faster. Just as his own.
“Oh,” he says quietly, “I think I do.”