We made it through the Second Trimester!!!

Feb 09, 2009 18:07

Well, here I am, 6 months pregnant, 27 weeks along. I am at the very end of my Second Trimester.
Our Third Trimester and 7th month begin in just 2 days!!!!
I can't believe I'm here already! In a way, time has flown, though, at the same time, it feels like it is crawling by.
A co-worker even said to me the other day, "It feels like you've been pregnant -forever- Erin!" Yes, yes it does. Esspecially when it has included the sickness, the aches and pains, the emotionality, and the amount of time it's been since I've been allowed to drink a beer or a glass of wine!
(Though lots of people keep telling me I can have at least 1 glass of wine a week, I still won't do it! I like wine waaaayyy too much for just one glass! lol)
I've generally been feeling okay lately. I'm starting to get some random leg cramping, my hands and feet tingle from time-to-time, and with going back to work, i've started to experience some sciatic nerve pain. OWCH!
The baby is also definetly sitting on my bladder, making me think I have to pee when I don't, and making it so that I'm up at least 4 times a night to use the bathroom!
She's kicking a lot though!
I'm no longer annoyed by it, but am loving it! It's soo neat to feel that there's a living, moving being inside of me! It's weird, but it's more awesome than anything I could ever imagine!
I got so excited when I felt her move, from the outside, about 2 weeks ago! I was lying in bed, on my side, with my hand/arm draped over my belly, and suddenly - THUMP! I was so excited that I jumped out of bed to go tell Sarah and Jay, who were busy making dinner!
A few nights later Jay felt her move for the first time! It's so cool! I can't wait untill she is bigger and stronger so that other people might be able to feel it too! Right now it seems that whenever anyone puts their hand on my belly, she stops.
She seems to do it the strongest when I'm lying down, which is obviously why Jay has been able to feel it when we are going to bed.

About a week ago we went baby 'shopping' for the first time together. We decieded to go check out Baby Depot at Burlington Coat Factory in Manchester. Neither of us had ever been into one, and we decieded that it was time for Jay to start familiarizing himself with baby items.
I think that the most exciting part of this trip was seeing the nursery decor we picked out online, in person! It's SO much more beautiful than it looked in pictures!! I can't wait untill we have it and can start setting it up!

I can't wait untill we can start setting up, period! Both of us have been starting to stress out a lot about how we're going to ever be ready in time. Our house is adorable, but it's super small. Esspecially with 3 adults living here. I've had a lot of anxiety attacks about whether or not we'll be able to make everything work with the roomate situation when the baby comes. But at the same time, I don't just want to get up and go because we DO NOT have the money right now.
So, Jay and Sarah had a talk yesterday morning, and she is more than willing to move her bedroom into the dining room, as early as this week!! This relieved a lot of pressure and stress from me! Yesterday we spent the day cleaning and re-organizing some things. Jay and Sarah began to clean out the back room a bit, and moved the dining room furniture back there. Even though it's too cold to eat back there currently, it will be a nice place to hang out and relax in the spring and summer time.
Sarah moving to the other room also means that she will be a little further away from the baby when she arrives, giving her more of a sense of her own space, and leaving the baby closer to us and our own room. (Again, the house isn't very big, so that doesn't mean -too- much. But it counts for something.. LOL)
Sarah also said to us yesterday that she knows we need to start getting ready and start painting the babies room before she gets here.
We've also been worried about all of the baby things we've collected being stored in the basement. We just have this feeling it's going to flood when the snow melts, so we'd all feel much better if everything was up here where it's dry and warmer. It will also help me to be able to see what we've collected in one place.

Anything we can do to alleviate my stress is great.
I feel like i've been overreacting about everything lately. I've been getting really overstimulated over the things going on around me, and my OCD has been kicking in like mad. My anxiety level has just been really high and I feel like I can't handle any stressful situations at all any more. Yeah, I've had trouble managing this my whole life, but being pregnant, I feel, has brought it out far worse.

I had to come home from work sick today.
I'm still throwing up a few times a week, and today was one of those days. I was also extremely dizzy and shaking like a leaf.
Of course, now that i'm home, i'm feeling fine. lol

My nephew Dylan turned 1 this past Saturday! I can't believe it's already been a year!! Holy crap where did the time go?! It seems like I just got the call that my sister was in labor and Kerry and I had to haul ass across town to make it to my mom's house!
For Christmas I began a 'Dylan's First Year' photo album, which I finished for his birthday. I think it came out pretty stellar! It's quite over-stuffed however. I think I might have to go down and split it into two albums so that pages don't get accidentally ripped out!
Dylan is just the cutest thing ever, how could I not include so many darn photos of him??!!

After Dylan's party Jay and I went over to baby-sit for Jeff and Paula's girls, which I must say, are perhaps the most well-behaved and friendly children i've met in a long time! It's always a pleasure to go over and play with them!
When Paula got home we sat and chatted for a few hours. This was great, as I hadn't seen her in quite a long time, and she has tons of good advice about pregnancy and babies.
She also asked us if she could take some pictures of us for a photo class she is taking.
It was so cool, she turned her dining room into a photo studio, proffessional lighting and all!
She took so many awesome pictures of us!! I am so happy with the way they came out!
Thank you again Paula! SO MUCH!!!
I would definetly love it if she could take some more as we get bigger and further along!

Other than this, not much has been going on in my life.
I'm still laying pretty low. Using lots of discretion over who I hang out with, who comes over, and how often, and who I go to see.
I feel like I've changed a lot this year. I'm ready for so many things to be different in my life.
I no longer need people in my life who are just going to bring me down, bring drama into my life, or who aren't really making anything of their own lives.
Yeah, i've gotten pickier, and some may say bitchier, but it's about time I lay down the law and start to change my life.
The wishy-washy way we've been living is not a lifestyle I want to bring this baby girl into.
I still adore my friends, and the important ones know that. I don't know where i'd be without them.
I just need to make some changes. It's time to grow up. It's time Jay and I actually become a family.
Though change is terrifying for me, i'm actually really looking forward to what the birth of our daughter is going to bring!
3 months left!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D

Pregnant and Glowing!

Pregnant and Barefoot!

Pregnant and Barefoot!

Birthday Boy!

Happy first year Dylan!

Thumbs up for your birthday!!


Big cat, Little cat

In case you didn't already know....

27 weeks, paulas pics, 6 months, dylan's first birthday, pregnant

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