and now it's May

May 04, 2014 22:28

where did those 4 months go? busy

The last 3 days were hanging out at and participating in the INJEST clown festival. I got to perform my one person show The Cruelest Phone Book in the World last night. It went very well although, I was feeling a bit sluggish and I dropped a couple lines that only I would notice really but the response and play was excellent. A standing ovation as well so I guess that means they enjoyed it.

Hopefully the festival can continue. Apparently they made enough money to cover costs and have some funding for next year as well. Lots of fun stuff in the cabarets. I forget how much I love the openness of "clown energy." Lots of play and dee-light as we like to say.

This comes one week after Hullabaloo which is the provincial youth poetry slam championships, I co organize with Chris Gilpin. Dia Davina was a huge help as well jumping in at the last minute as our volunteer coordinator and setting everyone up. Johnny Macrae and Shayne Avec I Grec and Dana Kagis were all a huge help as well.

This was the 4th year for Hullabaloo and I think the work the youth are bringing gets stronger overall each year. There are such moments of fearlessness in subject matter and self revelation, I am constantly inspired by them.

Verses was a couple weeks before that and it was a lot of fun. Thanks to time penalties I didn't make the finals competition but I did get to sacrifice my new poem "There's no fucking time to fucking live." I started writing it while on tour in Arizona or putting the idea down onto paper that is. The idea has been running around in my brain for a while. The first version of it I performed in Flagstaff but I knew it still needed some tweaking. The version I ended up with is stronger, I think and went over really well at CIPS.

And the two weeks prior to that I was in Arizona for a poetry tour and an appearance at the Tucson Poetry Festival. It seems so long ago but it was just at the end of March and the first few days of April. I went to the Grand Canyon which was brilliant. I did some deep healing work there and said goodbye to some things and shed a few tears on the lip of that great big hole.

When I got home, I found out a friend of mine had killed themselves by jumping off of the Granville Island Bridge. Maybe on the day I arrived back in town from the U.S. actually. It was quite upsetting, obviously. I didn't go to the service, I was too pissed off at them. We had become good friends over the last year or so and while I knew he was quite often in existential and emotional pain, I never knew it was this severe. It sucks.

Now, I have a few weeks until the Winnipeg Spoken Word Festival where I will be one of the featured performers/poets and the In the House Festival on the Sunday, I get back. Busy, busy, busy.

Overall things are pretty good and I am feeling better and while I still miss Borgi and being with her it's not as angsty in my heart. Hooray for that. I don't feel like my heart is open enough for someone new but it isn't still attached to the old relationship anymore. At least not in any way that is detrimental to moving forward.
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