Hullabaloo 2012

Mar 21, 2012 16:38

It's just around the corner. About 3 weeks away. The BC Youth Poetry Slam Championships aka Hullabaloo. We're modeling it on or at leasty hybridding it on and away from Louder than a bomb.

It's our second year. It's going pretty well overall but definitely some challenges. The Province is in the middle of a labour dispute between teachers and the government. Some schools are having difficulty getting poets to form teams. Some teams have dropped out. The GOOD THING though is we will be having a last chance slam to form at least 1 Wild Card team if not 2. It will depend on how many kids show up and how many schools will have dropped out by then. The last chance slam is on April 9th.

Chris Gilpin has been a monster in dealing with the schools and their liasons and keeping track of it all.

In the end it will be awesome and inspiring but right now we're in the dog days of the grunt work.

Two shows that I am especially looking forward to are finals when Khary Jackson will be featuring and that's on April 14th.

And our first ever Indie Finals which will feature Buddy Wakefield. That's on April 13th.

It will be the first time in a while that either of them have been in Vancouver. I'm excited to see them both.

Here are ticket details if you are at all interested.

Hullabaloo is the 2nd annual BC Youth Poetry Slam Championships. A total of 16 teams from Metro Vancouver and Vancouver Island will be competing to claim the Hullabaloo crown. 60-80 youth poets will be participating. World class features such as Khary Jackson, Buddy Wakefield and Mary Pinkoski along with Zaccheus Jackson and OS12 will be inspiring the kids. It begins unofficially on April 9th with the Wild Card Last Chance Slam and then officially kicks off with the Hullabaloo Opening Night Jamboree on April 10th
Full details at

Hullabaloo: The BC Youth Poetry Slam Championships happens April 10-14.
April 13th is the BC Individual Youth Slam Championships and Spoken Word Cabaret with Buddy Wakefield and music by High Society. At the RIO Theatre. Advance tickets are only $6.

April14th is the BC Youth Team Slam Championships featuring Khary Jackson. Advance Group Rate of $8 per person for Groups of 10 or more available now.

For more information go to for videos of the feature performers and all the details.

Tickets for the Buddy Wakefield feature, The Hullabaloo Individual Youth Slam Championships and High Society are here

Individual tickets for FINALS with Khary Jackson on April 14th @

To get the promo code for group discounts you can email
and say you want tickets to Hullabaloo Finals.

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