
Nov 17, 2011 15:16

Aha! Now I remember.

The things that drags on me the most with "the job" is lack of sleep, lack of a full rest in the night and therefor lack of mental energy by the end of the day.

Going from basically having my own hours and now back into essentially 9-5 is exhausting. I am nocturnal by nature. I love staying up late. I think it has to do with the idea of not wanting to miss out on a minute of being alive...if I am awake I can participate in living, even if it's something like reading or watching a movie or taking a walk. Also, I think I have some kind of child hood worry about dying while I sleep. I want to be awake and aware when I go.

So, right now I still stay up till at least midnite or 1 am and then I wake at 8 am rather than sleep until I am rested. Blech.

Perhaps, I just need to schedule shit and then actually stick to it...which really bugs me...I like to feel impulsive rather than follow a schedule...even if it might be an illusion of impulsivity! But it might help me.

As an example...Monday nights..poetry slam, Tuesdays...Yoga...Wednesdays...going to the Amongst these few things is my assumption that writing will be a part of it even if it feels like if I do these other things I won't have time to write...time, time, time, time, time is my nemesis...I'm running out of it so what do I do with the time I have left???????

Anyhow, just doing a little ventilation.
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