Masterlist of my fics

Jan 01, 2015 19:27

All White Collar unless marked otherwise


Title: A Friend (G)
Summary: Sara sees something else in Neal.  Most people probably only see his

expensive tastes and gorgeous looks .She knows that almost everyone is

charmed by him, but she wonders how many people actually know him.

Title: Contagious (G)
Summary: Peter visits Mozzie after the events of "Point Blank".

Title: Summertime (G)
Summary: Neal finds a way to enjoy the summer heat. Peter has no choice but to go along.

Ficlet series: Kindergarten AU
Summary:kid!Neal, kid!Peter, kid!Mozzie and kid!Diana are in Miss Elizabeth's kindergarten class.
Title: Snack Time
Title: Play Time
Title: Craft Time

OT3 Preludes and First Time fics:

Title: I’m Looking Over a Four Leaf Clover (PG)
Summary: It’s a wonderful day for a picnic.

Title: Bonded by Touch (PG)
Summary: Neal notices that Peter acts differently around him than he does anyone else, but has trouble admitting it.

Title: In Need of Warmth (NC-17)
Summary: "There will definitely be problems to face. But we’ll beat them."

Title: Oh Baby, Do You Wanna Dance (PG)
Summary: The perfect ending to a nice dinner with good friends and maybe a little too much wine is some nice slow dancing.

Title: Pillow Pals (PG)

Summary: Neal is too tired, physically and mentally, to lie.

Title: Coffee Shop of Love (PG)
Summary: Peter’s voice is only slightly louder than a whisper as he continues. “I think I have fallen in love. With Neal. But I still love you, I do. I just seem to love him too. I don’t know what to do.”

Title: Sweet Rewards (PG)
Summary: Elizabeth uses of a sugary incentive to get to the truth.

Title: More Than You Know (PG-13)
Summary: Elizabeth decides that something needs to be done. Set after the events of “Point Blank”.

OT3 Established Relationship:

Title: The Best Love Stories Are Always a Bit Odd (G)
Summary: Post-anklet. Elizabeth catches up with an old friend from college and brings her up to date on the lovers in her life.

Title: A Romp in the Rain (NC-17)
Summary: Neal goes for a run, Peter chases him and Elizabeth follows soon after. They collide in an orgasmic mud pile and stroke Neal’s exibitionist tendencies.

Title: Hot time, Summer in the City (G)
Summary: Peter and Neal fight over who gets to paint Elizabeth's toenails.

Title: Good morning to you, Mr. Octopus. (G)
Summary: Peter is on painkillers and it makes for an awkward night sleeping in bed.

Title: Lessons in Pleasure (NC-17)
Summary: Elizabeth has a few things she needs to tell Neal.

Title: Love Drawings (PG-13)
Summary: Peter tries his hand at making a piece of art.

Title: Grounded (G)
Summary:  "When was the last time you felt the earth beneath your feet, Neal? Not concrete just your toes and the ground below?

Title: Tickle Me SIlly (G)
Summary: efore he could say “Honey, I’m home” Elizabeth held the can in her hand and pointed it at Peter. Without hesitation, she hit the button that shot pink silly string across the room and landed on his jacket and shirt.

Title: The Joys of Rainy Days and Dogs Named Satchmo (PG)
Summary: Just another walk with Satchmo.

Title: Not the Intended Use (But who cares?) (NC-17)
Summary: Peter and Elizabeth visit Neal while he is sculpting and make a mess of things. See fic header for warnings.


Title: Hold Me Tight (G)

Summary: SPOILERS for 405. Peter takes Neal home and takes care of him.

Title: Peter’s Nudie Dance (NC-17)
Summary: A slashy possible ending to episode "Forging Bonds". They spend the entire night drinking and sharing secrets. What did you think would happen?

Title: Beautiful (NC-17)
Summary: Peter
is not as classically good looking as Neal, but that doesn't mean he
isn't gorgeous. Peter is doubtful, so Neal teaches him otherwise.

Title: Sweat (PG-13)
Summary: An alternate version to what happened when Peter went to Neal's apartment after playing basketball.


Title: Experiences in two by two (PG)
Summary: She’d never been in a relationship with a man who’s still in love with not one, but two other people, but nothing about this was ever normal so, it’s just one more thing to take in stride.

Title: A Roll of the Dice to Make Things Nice (NC-17)
Summary: It's their first time together as a foursome and nerves are running high. A silly game helps them find their footing.

Other Relationships

Title: A Modern Couple (NC-17)
Summary: An alternate scene from season 2 episode 8, “Company Man” that makes their Skype chat a little more interesting. (Peter/Elizabeth)

Title: Cold as Ice (Cream) (NC-17)
Summary: lizabeth goes to Diana’s place to cheer her up (with sex) after her breakup with Christie. (Diana/Elizabeth, background Peter/Elizabeth)

Title: Fine Japanese Cuisine (NC-17)
Summary: Diana and Christie go to a dinner party hosted by Peter, Elizabeth and Neal. Things get out of control in a sexy way. (Diana/Christie, Peter/Elizabeth/Neal, Diana/Elizabeth)

Title: The Company We Keep (PG-13)
Summary: Lassiter meets some friends of Shawn and they give him a new perspective on things. White Collar/Psych Crossover (Peter/Elizabeth/Neal, Shawn/Lassie)


Title: You Put the Magic in Me (Hard PG-13)
Summary: Matt and Tim (Friendship only), Matt Bomer has a strange and interesting situation to deal with. He asks his find Zach Quinto for help. Absolute pure Crack.

Title: Alfredo (NC-17)
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Chris and Zach give each other BJs in a giant pool filled with pasta. Yes you read that right.

!fic masterlist, fanfic

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