I'm back on LJ now. I'm also on Facebook as Harris Graber and Twitter as @harrisgraber. I'll be posting some of my photos here, too. Much happened to me in 2013, not all of it good. The worst: I was diagnosed with hydrocephalus and had brain surgery to treat it. It will take a year for me to be almost symptom free. The worst symptom is vertigo. I see things as though I were very drunk. That will pass. I also have double vision. That won't pass, but is treatable with prisms in my eyeglass lenses. My short term memory has been affected. I now have an excuse for misplacing things all the time.
I've been enjoying my life in Astoria. I occasionally miss Manhattan's Upper West Side and my one bedroom apartment, but I don't need more than the small studio I'm now living in. The above photo was shot from the apartment's terrace. I have photographed quite a few sunsets from that terrace. I'll post more later.
My cat, Tigr is now almost 20 years old and grows more affectionate every day. She sleeps either on top of me or alongside me at night. She loves being cuddled in the middle of the night, too. I have no objection to being up for a half hour at 3 AM to cuddle her. That's how sweet she is. I've been won over 100%. Perhaps I'll post her photo tomorrow.
I'm still using Semagic to post to LJ. It works with Blogger and Wordpress as well, but I'm not sure how that works. No matter. I'll just use it for LJ. More later...