Learning Latin

Aug 15, 2006 15:13

Here is a story that I think is funny, I'll refrain from posting any tangents in this story. When I was a young lad of about the ripe old age of 10, I really wanted to learn how to bike. So one day I borrowed my younger brother's bike. It was a bit short for me, but not by much. I could still use it without any difficulties. That day i must have ridden the bike from sun-up to sun-down because I don't remember ever getting off it and doing something else. By the time that the sun was setting and the night was approaching, I figured myself a pretty bad-ass on the bike. So to solidify my newly formed bad-assness I dared to do the most extravagent thing imaginable for me at that point of time--ride the bike WITH MY EYES CLOSED! Now kids, a word of advice before continuing the story (I promise that this will not turn into a rant or a tangent): Never under any circumstances is it appropiate to close your eyes for longer than a blink of an eye! The hazards that this poses for you are great and for others even greater! It's jsut common sense that you need you sense of sight to gain some orientation of your path of movement! Nevertheless, as the cliche goes: Hindsight is 20/20. My arrogant self now fully immerse in the sensation and rush of operating a form of transportation with eyes wide shut did not bother to think that this action follows Newton's Laws of Physics: For every action there is a reaction. So without further ado, the reaction to my action: I crashed! This was expected at some point given the circumstances of the narrative, but I as a young daredevil did not pay much attention to either physics or narrative theory. I ended crashing against the neighbor's garage wall. The wall was a rough, cement-blotted wall. It was like touching gravel that has been painted over-you still feel the chunks. Due to the velocity I traveling at and the surface material and texure of the wall my impact was gruesome. My left hand was the only part of my body that made contact with the object of reason, the object that put me in my place. That impact ended peeling off a decent amount of skin layer. i swear i could see my muscle. There was no excessive bleeding, no uncontrollable shivering crying fits. There was only a moment of epiphany: That's why we have eyes dumbass! The function of our occular organs was now as clear as water to me. For that whole day I was not able to move my left hand at all. Any movement would just cause me discomfort and remind me of just how stupid I was that day. So now I have two scars on my left hand that are there to always remind me that we need to keep our eyes on the road!
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