May 25, 2007 19:08
So the holidays were great, had a lot of fun.. Lost my voice and it still hasnt come back to me. Went to Aish for the night of shavout- learned all night until I crashed around 5am in the morning, but aless I ate lots of food at night- lots of cheese cakes. Had Sonia, Rebecca, Len and Ben over on the second day of shavout *yestersday lunch*. Slept for all of Tuesday- went in and out of sleep, eat and went back to sleep. Wednesday woke up late went to Rabbi Jacobson shul to daven- may even daven there tommorrrow..
Today, I had work at Sobeys a good 8 hours of work from 8-4pm.. Next week it crazy this is what my schedule like next week..
Sunday-- Going on the March for Israel downtown at around 9am- staying there until around 3pm or so.
Sunday night- Have a wedding to go to at around 5.30pm-6ish at Chabad Flamgino.
Monday- going over to Nana house to move her from 9-12. Afternoon, I have to go to the Passport office up in North York. Then come up to the library to get my books renewed, then to get my bike.
Tuesday working from 930 til 5pm
Wed Working from 4-10.15
Thur Working from 4-10
Friday working from 9-4
Shabbatoon down south- spend time with total stranger but hopefully it will fun.
Sunday working from 6-10.15
During Sunday morning I was hoping to go the Israel Day Fest at Earl Barls Park from 11-1 come home have a party for Ariel with people and then go to work at night.
The following week will be crazy-- I have a concert on the 5th of June- I am hoping to go to the Blue Jay game sometime that week- either the Wednesday night or Thurs day one with my grandmother. Have a meeting with school *mothercraft* on Friday the 8th.
So, what else I have to figure out when I am going to into New York- would like to go with the Chabad community to the see the Rebbe grave- or so- anyhow, I must get ready for shabbos- my cousins are coming anytime soon..