Today I did what I normally do, I went to school and had a blast (not really)! Oh well, I guess school is necessary in the life of a young child these days. Jess Lavalle was being really mean again today. I wore a hood and everybody left me alone today! This is with the exclusion of Jess Lavalle.
In homeroom, Sarah, Julie, and Jess gave me a hug. Sarah gave the best out of all of them. She actually put her arms around me, the others just put there hands over my shoulder. Sarah has always been really good at giving hugs! But, according to them, it was a game to see who could get the most hugs from people. I needed the hugs anyway, that made my day! Seeing those three cheered me up!!
We still had to sit together by homerooms, but rumor has it that it will all end tomorrow! I am so glad all the excruciating pain is over with. I think this whole lunch thing has split my friends and I up. We are not as close as what we usually are. I feel distant with them now. But, tomorrow will be better. I will get to see them again and we will drink and be merry! Lol! My mom would not allow me to drink. I mean we will drink our chocolate milk together!
I really had a good day except for the whole Jess thing. I hate her so much! I want to rip her eyes out! She makes me so mad!!! Well, I got to go do my homework! American Idol is on tonight!! It is about time!