Feb 08, 2005 13:02
well, its been a short awhile ago since i last posted. i'm feeling some what better. not really though. its still hard to get out of bed but no with second semester maybe that'll change. i guess we'll have to wait and see. i feel better that i got my application in on time and they sent me and letter and there was a mistake but it was fixed. but my mom just ahs been on my back lately about how i need a job and if i cant i cant go to school if in fact i get in. and theres just more but i don't want another post like that even though i barely touched on it. but moving on to something more happier!
well i had two weeks off cause it was exams. i only had one exam. i don’t know how it went. i didnt go to exam return day. i think fairly well. we'll find out when report cards come. when is that by the way?? and it wasn’t really two weeks of cause i really didnt go to class anyways for like 2 weeks before then so i don’t know how my attendance will look on my report card. well its second semester now and i didn't know what classes i had but at first i had photography, math , lunch and then university English. well, i dropped all of those classes. photography cause i hate Millard. math cause i can't do math and unvi. English cause i don’t know how that got in there. but when i first got to school i didnt know my classes so i didnt go. and the only time i could change them was after lunch. so Steve, jay, Andrew, broc and i hung out in the caf for first and then went our ways. i went home and came back for after lunch. well i got into see someone pretty fast and changed my class to, spare , spare, college chem and business. so that should be fun. i know ppl who have those classes so yeah. and i’m happy i get mornings off! cause waking up this morning at 7 30 was the worst thing ever! everyone felt the same aha. we were all dragging our asses. it was a brutal day. at least i’m not doing' that everyday! but getting up and going' to class and i'm actually going to see if i can get a good mark in chem and bus. i really enjoy business and its parret and i loves him to pieces! I’ll only take business classes with him! hopefully I’ll enjoy chem!
hung out with ppl on Friday at Krista’s! awesome time! thanks Krista!! I’d post pictures but everyone has them. then on Sunday Ashley and i went shopping! i got some new jeans and shirt. but before we went there Ashley had to go on a booze run for people. well other then that not too much else is new. o has msn been messing up for everyone? mine keeps shutting down! it sucks! but me out! keep it safe peeps!