My abortion rant.
Ok a fetus does not have the legal right as the woman carrying it. Why do you ask. Well honey that’s because the woman is a living breathing feeling person and the fetus is a lump off tissues .
You would think that would be enough for people put no. Ok here is a popular augment from the pro-life side. She should have kept her legs closed. Ok first of all that is why we have lovely things like condoms and the birth control pill. Second not all people that have sex want kids. Look at the child free.
Abortion is for a large part a back up. And remember it take two to tango. Argument number two: But it needs the woman to survive. Lets look at supreme court rulings. McFall V Shimp in particular . What does that ruling have to do with abortion you ask. Well Hun it means that a human can not be legally forced to lend/share/give their body parts to some one even if that some one needs it. So even if the fetus was declared a person abortion would still be legal.
Argument number three: Its murder. No its not murder is a legal definition that abortion does not fit.
Wan the definition here it is. You think I made that up well here is a link.
mur·der ( P ) Pronunciation Key (mûrdr)
The unlawful killing of one human by another, especially with premeditated malice.
Slang. Something that is very uncomfortable, difficult, or hazardous: The rush hour traffic is murder.
A flock of crows. See Synonyms at flock1. So inclosing my body my business. And abortion is not murder