
Sep 08, 2009 16:11

Reply to this meme by yelling "Words!" and I will give you five words that remind me of you. Then post them in your LJ and explain what they mean to you.

Tagged by Luminous-Manic.

1. Storywriting: I've been doing this a while actually, but doing it well for maybe the last ten years. One of my first good stories was Sword of Echoes, a piece I wrote in 11th grade that turned into a cyberpunk epic. Few people have seen it though. Also, there was my Sonic Adventure fan-fictions , the last being the best. It continued the story of Sonic Adventure 2. Then, I wrote Fruit Madness. It was a hilarious piece that was published in a school magazine. My first big project in Manicteam was Neo-Sonic Godspeed. I wrote the script from after level 3 to the end I think. Then in college, I took Screenwriting and thus my biggest improvement. I have an unfinished sci-fi movie script, a few drafts of issue 1 of Ex-Trigger: Gun Goddess and High-Impact Fandango, Banzai Pecan, first draft of Conjurer Meyj, as well as some drafts of issue 1 of my own comic book universe. I think I'm onto a few things here and I hope I can make a career out of this.

2. Final Fantasy VIII: Honestly, I feel like I'm the only sane person who likes this game. Then again, I did get an FFVIII tattoo. Anyway, I like this game, but not a fanboy about it. I like the characters, the storyline, and battle system, the music. I just really like this Final Fantasy. Plus, Squall Leonhart was my first cosplay and not the easiest I would say. The game has flaws, but what game doesn'?

3. Banzai Pecan: This game has had so many faces, but the current form of our badass action project is the best yet. Originally, the game was the Chakra Tapestry with a completely different female lead. But that project was scraped and now we have Banzai Pecan. Inspired by God Hand, No More Heroes, and Fist of the Northstar, this game is a whole new animal to us. On my end, I developed the plot, script, characters, and lines. Of course, I collaborated with my bro, Luminous Kyo, on all this. So, it's hard to tell who came up with what. The script is full of pop-culture references ranging from obscure to obvious. Also, I am a concept designer for the game. I help come up with ideas for everything. Banzai Pecan itself, is in a second version. The first version was lost with a hard-drive crash, but it was the happiest accident ever. This gave Kyo and I a chance to make a better game. Kyo had to redownload his game making programs, but he got the new ones which gave us more possibilities. With the game just being developed by Kyo and me, I sure wish we had help, but I just know great things are in store of Banzai Pecan.

4. Movies: are my life. In school, I was a Professional Writing major, Film minor. I have seen a lot of movies classic, modern, foreign, live-action, animated, musical, silent. I have made movies and written them. I love movies! Most recently, I saw Inglourious Bastards. SOme would be surprised by the movies I've seen and by the movies I haven't. I haven't seen the Goonies yet, but I have seen Monster Squad. I hope to make movies someday. I swear, I could do better than some of the hacks who are given millions to do so.

5. Videogame: are my life, as well. For as long as I've been watching movies, I've been playing video games as well. My first being Super Mario Bros. in 1988. Fun, challenging, and the beginning of a beautiful relationship. I've been there for a lot since my 8-bit days. I could really one have one current gen game system growing up some after my SNES, I made the jump to the Saturn. I loved it and then moved on the Dreamcast, but after that, I had to buy my consoles myself. I next bought a PS2 and then DS. My fiancee has a Wii so I play that a lot. When I befriended Kyo, it only felt natural to get involved with making videogames with me. For the 20+ years of my gaming, I have enjoyed many types of games, but never sports games. I suck at RTS, racing, FPS, most fighting, but excel in RPG, platforming, action-adventure, and puzzle. I do like all of these genres, except RTS. Older adults think that it's immature for me to still playing videogames, but it's a different world and people my age all the way up to early 40s still play videogames and I probably till a way after the day I die.

words tagged memes, luminous-manic

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