my bucket list

Jun 01, 2008 23:39

-survive past my 30's.
-have a child.
-see indonesia.
-find a love that shakes me done.
-be an active voice for sexual health and education among teens
-read most of if not all of the bible.
-meet someone famous and pretend to not know who they are.
-go parasailing.
-live in the cayman islands for a while.
-become fluent in spanish again.
-reach out to others affected by HIV in their communities
-see the greater films of old hollywood, casablanca, the ten commandments
-be a model. for my brother's photography. :]
-human relief in africa.
-be a badass chick and race a ducati.
-get a tattoo.
-go backpacking. anywhere.

list pending.

bucket list

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