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monkeygirlxx User Number: 154721
Date Created:05/30/2001
Number of Posts: 14
Slow to update but quick to anger, monkeyGirlXX is a force of pure unadulterated crankiness, a stropped razor slashing through the happiness of others.
Strengths: Mistress of chopstickery, superior sense of smell, abnormal audiovisual memory decent collection of steel blades, iron will, enough estrogen she must have squoze an entire team of cheerleaders & deadly poisonous blood (i.e. steeped in caffeine sufficient to slay mosquitos & gnats).
Weaknesses: Crowds (kill them!), total inability to sing, preference for babies (tasty with ketchup!), Amber Benson, Angelina Jolie & Katherine Sian Moennig (you speculate!) & cooking (except babies).
Special Skills: Espresso-quality judging, ability to fricassé a mean bébé, able to identify music and/or TV from little snippets & a truly cunning linguist.
Weapons: I am so frikkin' deadly you better rethink axing that.
Boys are smelly: Throw rox at them.
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