Sep 24, 2005 08:02
Your probably thinking, where did Megan go. I am here, I've just been sorta busy lately. I've had hw youth group, choir at church and an oboe lesson this week. I was planning on updating yesterday, but I spent a lot of time working on hw and I went for a walk, and watched a movie with my mom and sister. I had a nice day yesterday. My mom brought Quizno Sunb home for dinner and she also picked up movies for the weekend. Last night we watched Fever Pitch, and I thought it was a very cute and sometimes funny movie. Thise morning I will be getting my hair highlited and trimmed a little, and I may get to go shopping for a little while as well. It'll be a time to hang out with my sis and my mom. Next weekend I wanted to go to a conference with some kids in my youth group, but we planned to visit my grandparents, so I will deffinitly be going to the next youth conference whenever that is. Yesterday at lunch my friend Ami was making this huge dispute about how Sprague High School is better than South High School. She's deffinitly a true future Oly. I told her that either school you go to you will get a good education. She says who cares about the education, I like the football! I say screw the football!!! Lol. I also say woot woot Saxons!!!! Anywho the point is I'm proud to be a Saxon!! Their band is better and I like that school! I don't go there yet, but next year I'll be a freshman there!!! I swear I'm gonna be one of the littlist freshman there. Ah well, as I say I'm mighty yest little. I will be fine. Besides that's a whole year away. Well I think that's about it from my end. I'll update ya'll again soon. Mucho loves to my chicas!!! I send da love your way! Muah! Ciao! ~Megs