Apr 14, 2005 20:34
Well you know what sucks some major donkey balls!?!?!? I just wrote this big long journal entree about the people I deal with on a daily bases, but big surprise my computer froze and I had to reboot and lost everything. They were good descriptions too. I don't feel like doing it again so I'm not going to. I don't really know what to write in here I guess what ever comes to my head. LOL this could be dangerous.
I don't really feel like giving the run down on myself so I guess it will just come out in bits and pieces.
I can't wait June 10, 11, and 12. I get to go to Nashville, TN to see Rodney Atkins. Witch should be fun. I'll get to hang out with some really cool people. And I'll get away from work for a whole 3 days. That will be extremely relaxing.
I'm in a funk for the last couple days I just can't seem to get out of it. It's starting to annoy me. Do you ever just hate the skin your in. Sometimes I look in the mirror and I wonder why I am the person I am. I still haven't found the answer.
Well I don't really have anything else to say so I guess I'll close.
MonkeyGirl, Amilya