Jun 23, 2005 20:27
My burn hurts really bad and I don't feel so great and I know I'm contradicting myself but I don't want school to be over because I'm gonna miss everyone and I looked up auditions online so I can finally start my life but it all sucked and I don't even have an agent and I kind of don't want to start yet but if I don't start young enough I'll get nowhere special and my parents know nothing about this because I want to figure my life out myself but since the google search didn't go so well I only ended up iving my name to one company but I don't even have a professional head shot and it's so unfair that the only person our age I know who does is filthy rich which is unfair because that means that because I'm not as rich as her I don't have a good chance at being an actress even though she doesn't even want to be an actress, she's a model and how did she start anyway, I mean how old was she because what if I'm trying to start getting in the business to late- I need to find out how to catch up because I don't just want to do sucky low budget stuff- I WANT TO GO BIG TIME!
Long run-on.