
Jun 16, 2003 14:21

Title: Bruising
Rating: PG
Summary: Harry helps Ron get rid of his bruises
Pairing: Draco/Ron, Harry/Ron question settled
Fandom: Harry Potter
Feedback: Yes, please.
Disclaimer: Not mine, and the characters belong to J. K. Rowling. Please, don’t sue. Second response to the merge challenge for the Contrelamontre Community. This one is un-betaed, so if there are any mistakes, it's my fault.

I winced when Ron showed me his bruises from the hailstorm. I was afraid to even touch him, to be honest. The bruising was that bad. But he needed my help in getting Madame Pomfrey’s ointment in just the right places, so I shrugged and took the jar from his hand. “Where did you need this again?”

“My back, Harry. That’s where I have the most trouble reaching,” Ron said as he pulled his sweater over his head.

I unscrewed the jaw with my back turned to give him a moment’s privacy. I didn’t turn back around to face Ron until I heard him push the curtains of his bed out of the way, and the bed itself creak from his weight.

“I’m ready for you now,” Ron said, calm as could be.

I turned around and saw the expanse of pale skin, covered with freckles, and that shock of red hair at the top of his head.

Ron’s filled out quite a bit in the five and a half years since I met him on the train so many years ago. His body now closely resembles Percy’s in that he’s now tall, and Fred and George’s in that he’s a lot more muscular than one would suspect.

I can see why Malfoy has been staring at him so much lately. Ron’s become quite the looker, even if he doesn’t see it. Then again Ron doesn’t see a lot of things, like the way Hermione pined over him for two years before Viktor asked her out, for instance.

He likely has no idea that Malfoy’s been staring at him the way Hermione used to for months now. Ron’s my best friend, and he’s brave and loyal as Fang, but sometimes… sometimes he’s clueless.

Leaning forward to inspect the golf ball sized bruises I said, “Are you sure you didn’t get into another brawl with Malfoy in the greenhouse?”

Ron shook his head. “No, I mean… we argued and all, but seeing that the only safe place in the greenhouse was under the metal worktable, why make it more unpleasant by beating on each other until the storm is over?”

I smirked, spreading the really foul smelling green ointment on his skin. It dulled the purple, red, and yellow that was discoloring Ron’s skin and before my eyes, the colors began to fade and blend away, restoring it to it’s pre-bruised state. “What did you two argue about?”

Ron snorted. “Why we were there, mostly. Oh, but he did say something that bothered me.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Oh?”

“Yeah… he said that you and I…”

Ron began to blush. I couldn’t see his face, but you can tell when Ron’s blushing a mile off, because you can see it in his skin around his face and neck.

I had a feeling I knew what was coming because I’ve heard some of the kids in Gryffindor make comments about the two of us before, but I asked anyway. “What is it, Ron?”

“Malfoy thinks that we’re… you know. Like Neville and Dean. Not that there’s something wrong with it, but still… It’s ridiculous, don’t you think?”

I shrugged. It’s not that I don’t think Ron and I could never have been that close. It’s more that Ron’s more the brother I never had than the cousin I was raised with. I love Ron, and Ron loves me. Just not that way.

We blend the way the colors in on a palette can blend, but not in that way.

At least one thing is confirmed for me. Like with Hermione, Ron has no idea that Malfoy has a crush on him. Probably has for a while now. And because Malfoy thinks that Ron and I are involved…

I shuddered. I think Malfoy could be the worse thing that could happen to Ron if he’s not careful about it, but maybe there’s something in Ron that would make him good for Malfoy, maybe even change him into a decent human being, if that’s possible. I don’t know. But I’m Ron’s friend, so I have to clue Ron in about Malfoy anyway, and let things happen as they will.

And I wasn’t so sure how Ron was going to react to it. Knowing Ron, he’ll likely freak out as a defensive measure.

“Harry?” Ron turned over and blinked at me with his blue eyes. “Did you get all the bruises on my back?”

“Er, yeah. I think so. Listen, about Malfoy…”

“I know, I know. Don’t let what that little snob says get to me, right?”

“Well, no. That’s not exactly what I was trying to say…”

Ron smiled. “Is this the part where you tell me you’ve been in love with me for the past five years? Cause if you do, I’m about to tell you you’ve gone nutters.”

Yep, we definitely couldn’t make comments like that if we blended like that, believe me.

I laughed. “Oh, no, I wouldn’t dream of having Mrs. Weasley send me a daily howler on our honeymoon, believe me. It’s just that… did you ever think that Malfoy said what he said for reasons other than to irk you?”

Ron pursed his lips in thought. “What other reason would he have? I mean, he’s never been nice to me, and even though he said that he would probably have liked me under other circumstances…”

Ron’s jaw dropped as something else, probably from his time in that greenhouse, hit him.

“Oh… Oh, NO…” Ron gave me a look of disgust. “He can’t, can he?”

I sighed. Ron really can be completely clueless sometimes.

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