Jun 25, 2004 14:21
So I thought that I would quite this live journal thing because it's just weird. But then I went into deep contemplation(new big word courtesy of the thesaurus!) about this matter. Then I figured out that this would be fun. It give me a task to do during the summer break. Anyways i'll tell you fellow readers about my day.
Well my gums, teeth, and the rest of my mouth hurt like crap. My teeth feel as if they are about to fall out of my mouth. I feel like i just got in a fight and got punched in my mouth. You might ask why I feel this way? Well Wednesday morning i went to my orthodontist and got my braces tightened. And on top of that I got my 4 front teeth linked by a band. Any of you people who have had or have braces probably know what I am talking about. so currently as i am typing this my gums are swelling. This makes it extremely hard for me to close my mouth. I feel like my friend Steven. he has braces too. I don't know whether it's his brace or just Steven which keeps him from keeping his mouth closed. he's always got his mouth open. Don't ask me why, for I have no comment.
Yesterday night I saw this movie called Monster at Ryan's house along with Ekat.(She has one of the coolest names. Ekat is short for Ekaterina. And she speaks 2 languages, Russian and English. Cool) It was kind of scary, but Not like a horror movie scary, but just like creepy scary. Now I understand why Charlize Theron won an Academy for her work in this movie. I would recommend it. But it's not for those how are creeped out easily. But I guess if my friend Ekat can get through it then you can. You'll be left with weird thoughts and opinions after the movie.
Anyways so I am basically doing nothing today. maybe i'll go to the movies with my friend Ryan.
Well i'm gonna go take a nap. I like naps.
Shout Outs Include:
Kim, Caitlin(hope that how you spell it. I can never spell her name and my other friend's name, Mikey. Sad, isn't it) Philip, Ryan, Eddie, Many, jason.
(Anyone who wants a shout Out, just ask . And if I like you i'll give you one! Kidding)
Wait two more shout outs:
Pierce! I dubbed him Pimp with the powers that were invested in me (cause i am a pimp too) and Xu! my newly crowned Fellow Pimp(I can do that too cause I am a Pimp)