And another thing!

Nov 17, 2006 04:19

Due to the recent airing of the Star Wars saga on Cinemax, there's been a revival of the armchair directors who all think they could have made better prequels. I plan to lay into the recent Entertainment Weekly article about the "Star Wars virgin" later today in my blog, after I've had some sleep and can come up with something more constructive than personal insults.

Meanwhile, know this:

I loved The Phantom Menace.

This isn't some dirty little secret, either, I've defended the movie for years. I don't feel the need to defend it anymore, partly because I'm not insecure about my love of the prequels, but mostly because I realize that some people just need to vomit with their keyboards. I used to do that about politics, so I understand...somewhat.

I love the prequels, I like that Hayden Christensen's head was stuck on Sebastian Shaw's body, I know how Leia remembers Padmé, I know why Obi-Wan warns Anakin he has the high ground, and I'm glad that punk-ass Darth Maul got halved.

Yeah, that's right, Maul was Obi-Wan's bitch. PPPPBT!

Okay, I can sleep now.

star wars, movies

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