![](http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j77/LyndaTheMonkey/Monkey Strips/20080307.gif)
(comicgenesis link to the same strip here) Nancy Grace, for instance, would have the entire mystery of the missing hat solved in a ten minute segment with five "experts" on the way hats travel on the wind and how spider knitting doesn't really hold up well. Only I'm not sure if she's a worldwide phenomenon yet, and would I want to put the squirrel and spider through that level of media scrutiny? That would be giving away what happens next.
The Puppy would like me to note that she is totally fine and not at all pooped at the current moment. It's all going to make sense later...really...sure. Provided I can keep my mind from wandering to other things.
I wonder if anyone ever made a fan film for 300 using the Madness song They Call It Madness? That'd be hilarious. In a way. Especially if the whole pit-kicking bit is rewound a few times to look like Leonidas is skankin' to the music. The tragic part is I can think this crap up, but the odds of it becoming a reality are about as slim as my Palpatine Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap video. Maybe not now that I've said it. Maybe now I've shamed myself into doing it. Then again, my all-puppet version of A Christmas Carol has spent about 15 years in the planning stage...I wonder if anyone else has done anything like that.