Mar 14, 2007 09:46
What happened to LJ??? what happened to everybody????
so anywayz... its spring break and I haven't been doing much trying to finish some work but watching tv instead... a marathon of ANTM my brother has a hate for Keenyah like my dad hates Jade... my family sat and watched the marathon with me... good times
So this year summer I'm excited I'm going to London for 4 weeks tentative dates: 6/19 - 7/17 flying virgin atlantic most likely cuz they had the cheapest airfare. The catch is I have to drive to Chicago and catch a flight up there instead of a connecting flight from Louisivlle... tis cheaper. Even the gas won't be a problem because the flight is about 400 dollars cheaper than the flight from Louisville. Good deal!!! Don't do anything too exciting in that time period... I will be back before you know it!
Then the next summer my uncle was thinking that my cousin and my and my two bros would all take a tour of Europe.... yay that will be fun 15 days in Europe... Paris, Milan, Rome, Germany, Switzerland, Brussels. It's with an Indian like tour group so they will be feeding us indian food the whole time but we can cheat and get some Italian food or something. It's all about the food man. Yay my next two summers will be fun except for the applying for med school thing next year and MCATs or whatever.
And this Thanksgiving I have another wedding to go to YAAAAAY!!!!!!! NOT I have been to too many weddings during Thanksgiving breaks why is this a popular weekend? This time it's in Dallas good thing: warm bad thing: 15 hours in a van with Big Mac, Small Fry, Stupid, and Fatty (I got nicknames for everyone I'm just like Sawyer from LOST).
I had to wake up at 6 am... but I take naps on the job, who will come bother me at 7 am?
NCAA TOURNEY!!!!! EXCITEMENT!!!! FILLIN' OUT THOSE BRACKETS!!!! You know, I won a pool in 7th grade. It was a pool in math class and however many points I earned was added for extra credit or something. Oh well.... I'm usually ok at these things but I don't know about this year... haven't been paying too much attention but I want to do well.