tired ramblings

Sep 01, 2005 18:35

Finally got a computer to use. Finally moved out. First night in new place for a few months then moving out of here once we find a house or land. where we can build our house.
First few days of school ok i guess i actually got homework.
1-Parent Child Development is fun
2- Global Studies lots and lots of busy work
3- Yearbook love it!
4-English with Makrianis ok... i think it will be a fun class. Ethan what did you say in class it was funny. Something about the death penetly and eye for an eye no that wasnt it.it reminded me of last year in english class.Funny funny stuff
5-Alg 2 is easy at the moment but will get harder at least i have k now not beamlander.
6-Spanish is fun i guess i sit by Aaron Burgoyne and his friend Blake and Lindsay Brhanshaw.
School is good all in all.
Cross Country um isnt going to well but it will be better soon hopefully.
Tonight was alot of fun i went over to Kates we talked. Then we went over to Tiva's talked in my car,talked on the street sitting, walked, played fingers(a game),followed some cops to see the action in her sub division and yea it was alot of fun.Our convos were fun and made us think alot lol.
Saturday-MSU tailgating
Sunday-Work 10-5.Beaverton.........
If any one wants to hang out friday later saturday or monday i should be able to.
Oh yes i am not sure what i think about homecoming court for our grade dont completly agree with it but ehh
This year i think will be slower than last year. Last year went by so fast this year i can tell will be slow...
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