FIC: Slippery Like a Fox - JWP#9

Jul 09, 2014 23:45

Slippery Like a Fox
By MonkeyBard
Rating: PG13 - language
Length: 1060
Universe: BBC AU
Summary: The lab aboard Scotland Yard holds a slippery surprise.
Date: 9 July 2014
Prompt #9: Choose your own (mis)adventure. Use one or more of the following words in today's entry: pratfall, spit-take, faceplant, head-smack, double-take, slip.
A/N: It's the ( Read more... )

prompts, watson's woes, bbc-sherlock, jwp 2014, silverfox 2.0

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Comments 8

methylviolet10b July 10 2014, 06:50:19 UTC
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 This makes me so gleeful, I can't even. :-D!!!!! Yay for Silverfox-'verse!


monkeybard July 10 2014, 22:44:03 UTC
Thank you! I knew you'd be pleased. ;-D


capt_facepalm July 10 2014, 08:51:54 UTC
Spaceship! Spaceship! SPACESHIP!!!
(I ship Molly and Greg in any universe!)


monkeybard July 10 2014, 22:44:24 UTC
Whee! Glad you liked it!


pompey01 July 11 2014, 01:11:14 UTC
I'm not familiar with Silverfox-verse but I love what you've done here. Poor Lestrade. :)


monkeybard July 11 2014, 20:59:21 UTC
Thanks! He does get bashed about a lot in this 'verse. ;->


gardnerhill July 11 2014, 03:43:53 UTC
Here I thought you'd done Phillip K. Dick. May have to check out the Silverfox stories.


monkeybard July 11 2014, 21:00:10 UTC
Groovy! If you do, I hope you enjoy them.


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