FIC: Cavia porcellus (BBC-Sherlock/Torchwood)

Oct 04, 2013 12:46

Cavia porcellus (BBC-Sherlock/Torchwood)
Author: MonkeyBard
Rating: PG13
Genre: Slash
Summary: With no way to test the reprogrammed Chula device, someone has to be the guinea pig.
Characters: John Watson, Sherlock Holmes, Greg Lestrade, Ace, Mickey Smith, Martha Jones
Word count: 1756
Date: 4 October 2013
A/N: Part 10 of Present Imperfect Tense.
A/ ( Read more... )

holmes/watson, torchwood, bbc-sherlock, doctor who, fanfiction, present imperfect tense

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Comments 7

methylviolet10b October 5 2013, 01:57:45 UTC
dun dun DUNNNN!!!!! :-D

Another wonderful installment! Hurrah! Sherlock's back to being himself! But yikes, what a process! And we've yet to see Greg and John weather it...

*looks for next bit*

*finds nothing*

*makes sad pouty face*

More please??? I'll give you a prompt if you need one - but honestly, you don't seem to. :-)


monkeybard October 6 2013, 22:39:34 UTC
Honestly, these last three installments all but wrote themselves. The next one (or two) I expect will involve a fair bit of talky-talk. You can give me a prompt if you want. It might help. But don't feel obligated. I'll get there one way or another. :-) I know what has to happen and why; I just need to share that with the readers.


methylviolet10b October 7 2013, 01:51:14 UTC
I love it when that happens, when the story just writes itself. Hopefully the talky-talk will be relatively painless. If you need a prompt, here it is: the next song you hear on the radio. Yes, that one. ;-)


monkeybard October 7 2013, 05:12:15 UTC
I'll have to turn on the radio tomorrow. ;-)

I'm not worried about writing the tally-talk. I'm only worried that I'm the only one who won't be bored by the results. :-S Of course, that could all depend on what station the radio is on...


leenah October 5 2013, 18:40:03 UTC
enjoying this series. thank you.


monkeybard October 6 2013, 22:40:10 UTC
Yay! Thanks for letting me know! :-)


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