Holiday Drabble - 19 Dec 2012

Dec 19, 2012 12:32

BBC Sherlock
Rating: PG
Length: 100

Continuing to whump Watson on The First Christmas Since the Fall. For earlier installments, go to Christmas Cards, Tree, Lights, and In the Bleak Midwinter.

Oxford Street at the holidays was awash with decorations. Lights arranged in festive and seasonal shapes. Everything from stars and trees to boxes and brollies. John kept his head down, told himself it was to keep the rain off his face. He pulled up the collar of his leather coat--the one Sherlock's drycleaner conveniently had in his "unclaimed items".

The sudden memory struck like a blow to his solar plexus. He froze.

Generosity disguised as sensibility. The unwillingness to take credit where it was due--so unlike Sherlock in every other realm.

John sniffed, looked down, and kept walking.

holiday, bbc-sherlock, fanfiction, drabble

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