Holiday Drabble - 16 Dec 2012

Dec 16, 2012 15:35

BBC Sherlock
Rating: PG
Length: 100
Following up on our holiday mystery of the dead caroller.
At the end of the month, I’ll gather these and any other series together in single posts for ease of searching/reading.

Nativity )

holiday, bbc-sherlock, fanfiction, drabble

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Comments 2

methylviolet10b December 18 2012, 05:08:47 UTC
...and? AND???

Me wants more!!! *shakes binder and hopes more fic will fall out*

So very curious to see where this is going! Nice work!


monkeybard December 18 2012, 06:40:09 UTC
I'm quite curious, myself. ;-) I have some ideas, so we shall see...



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