Not that I have an "Inner Californian"

Aug 15, 2008 11:02

Silly quizzage for Friday.

You Belong in San Francisco

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Comments 6

write_light August 15 2008, 20:57:05 UTC
HA! You should be here for my wedding! I'm guessing you picked "Cake" in Q1, right? Our only claim to fame.

So come on down to SF already! I got "L.A." which makes sense because I grew up there. I strongly resent the description they use for Sacramento, too.


monkeybard August 15 2008, 21:11:05 UTC
I *did* check Cake. I didn't realize they were from SF. I got Sacramento when I changed "Book Stores" to "Thrift Stores" on the last question. Is there good thrifting in Sacramento? I may need to go find out. Unfortunately I won't be available to fly down for Unmata's Blood Moon Regale again this year, so I can't make it a two-fer trip.

I do need to come to SF again! Sadly it won't be for your wedding, but when I do make it down I will be sure to let you know. :)


write_light August 15 2008, 23:26:46 UTC
Cake is from Sacramento, as are we! If there is good thrifting here, I'd be surprised. We go to SF for that.


monkeybard August 16 2008, 06:13:14 UTC
Thrifting in SF? Ooo...The thrifty mind boggles at the possibilities.


sunkrux August 15 2008, 21:55:32 UTC
My inner Californian wants the HELL outa CA. ;) LOL


monkeybard August 16 2008, 06:12:22 UTC
Well, yes. That goes without saying. ;)


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