Silly quiz

Aug 11, 2008 11:02

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harry potter, quizzage

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Comments 4

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Re: Snape was #2 monkeybard August 12 2008, 01:33:39 UTC
I never looked to see who my #2 was. I like Lupin. Good choice. ;)


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Re: Snape was #2 monkeybard August 12 2008, 19:22:58 UTC
That's who lemurkitten got. Another good choice. He has great prison tats.


I came out as Mrs Harry Potter ravenzanne August 12 2008, 16:08:56 UTC
Not too far off . . .

"You like a guy who's not afraid to fight evil when evil picks a fight. There's a lot to say for bravery in the face of overwhelming odds, even if it does come with a prejudice against people who don't fit into his conception of "good guy" and a penchant for hurling objects across rooms when he gets angry. But in fairness, for an orphan who's spent the better part of his life being hunted by the most evil wizard in existence, he's turned out pretty well. Just be prepared to name your kids after everyone he's ever lost, because he's got a bit of an obsession about the past."


Re: I came out as Mrs Harry Potter monkeybard August 12 2008, 19:23:46 UTC
Hmm... Not too far off, indeed. Nor is mine, if you don't count the "stack of cash". What I wouldn't give for one of those! ;)


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