Jun 02, 2005 16:39
Alright so since we graduated I have...
~worked at target alot!
~seen Sisterhood of the traveling pants with kate (with loud ass pre-teens included)
~watched tv alot!
~EATEN ALOT!!! (make me stop!)
~cleaned (some)
~driven my dad's big pinky/purple truck since my front brakes went out in my baby
~spent time with sean (when he wasn't sleeping in my bed and leaving me on the computer)
~been looking for beach houses in florida for our family vacation (they are really expensive)
~fought with our new cat (my grandpa's cat) and my old cat to get them to get along so that we can keep the new one
~got my checking account transferred over so i now have my own checking account
~went to alot of graduation parties for people at seneca
~planned my graduation pool party (tentative June 12th 12pm-5pm)
~babysat a cutie patootie for one of the firefighters
this weekend is Crusade weekend and i have to collect during the day because i have to work friday night, sat night, sunday day and night, monday day and night, and tuesday day and night. lota of work but i need it so i can get paid lots for college. tomorrow is pay day!! yay!!! i love payday. tootles