Mar 10, 2005 21:57
that is the best out-of-context quote ever. believe it or not, it's talking about tying in your quotes for a good essay. abby almost had a heart attack when I said it to her. bwhahahahahaha.
my brother got a webcam! XD omg! excitment! I love my bro so much and now I get to SEEEEEE HIM! <3<3<3 jason is the bomb. I'd marry him off to megan, if I could, but he has this thing about not participating in pedophilia. bah. he's only 25.. ish.... and she's a spry 17.... >_>
Mae makes me happy. I have the first CD, the EP CD, and now I'm eagerly anticipating the next release. *bounce*
I should start using this LJ some more.
finals are going to kick my ass into the middle of next week and then pummel me on thursday. nannen desu ne..... ;_;