May 20, 2006 02:36
Wow. Hold on a sec -- I thought America was the "Land of the Free ?" Because I read something tonight that bothers me to the core of my extesitance. Which, I'm sorry to say, has been happening a lot.
" WASHINGTON, D.C. - The Department of Defense (DoD) has released documentation confirming government surveillance of groups opposed to the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” law banning openly lesbian, gay and bisexual service members.
“The Department of Defense has now confirmed the existence of a surveillance program monitoring LGBT groups,” said C. Dixon Osburn, executive director of SLDN. “Pentagon leaders have also acknowledged inappropriately collecting some of the information in the TALON database." "
I'm sick of this shit. And also, monitoring our nation's PRIVATE CITIZENS' phone calls? Uh, no. First of all, I think that if we have a database with 10 million calls because they are "terrorist related" (and no, I did not make that figure up -- it's the real thing) then we've got a BIG PROBLEM -- we must have roughly that many terrorist living in the US, then! SHIT!
Second of all, to all those deluded people out there that say, "Oh, well, they run them through a computer program and look for related phrases, it's not like people are actually listening", do you REALLY trust them to ONLY look for terrorist related phrases? Do you know HOW EASY it'd be to key in to look for other patterns? Like, say, PEOPLE WHO ARE DISSENTING? Or just don't agree with how the country is headed? Or just are challengers to the GOP?!
It bugs me sooooo much that people have been fear mongered to the point that they aren't thinking for themselves. Even scarier, I know some of them.
Yours truly,
Waiting for people to use what's on their heads,
Believer that DISSENT is the most patriotic thing,