Writing Links

Jul 28, 2006 10:12

A gradually expanding list of writing and literary links, which I will update occasionally. If I remember. Some are specifically to do with the course, and I'll try and organise them into magazines, communities, competitions, that sort of thing. Obviously for the competitions, once the closing date's gone, it's gone. But there's always next year...

General Writing

Set up in 2004 to help "support grassroots writers of all mediums, of all cultures and backgrounds to develop and produce their own original work"

"JBWB is here to help YOU become a published writer. This site is packed with information on writers' markets and writing competitions, and contains links to all the writers' resources you'll need."


Margaret Atwood's homepage

Peat Poets
A couple of Scottish blokes, writing poetry and drinking fine malt whiskey. Admirable in every way.
(Colin Begg is also on the MLitt course this year...)

Lippy Bissoms
An all-female Scottish poetry collective

Alan Spence
The award winning Glasgow writer's home page. Go. Read his stuff. Read it. Read it now.

Scottish Writer's Project
This page has a horrible scrolling banner at the top, but apart from that, it's really rather good.

Course Specifics

Creative Writing Glasgow
Creative Writing Resource page for the MLitt

Michael Schmidt
Michael Schmidt's page.


The William Trevor International Short Story Competition 2006
in association with
Riverdeep Interactive Learning

Entry Fee:      € 20.00 (each entry)
Closing Date: Last post on Friday 8th December 2006.
Entries by post only to:
William Trevor Short Story Competition,
37 Upper Cork Street,
County Cork,


Dark Tales
A subscription site, mostly hosting horror/sci-fi type stuff. Has an online no-fee competition, though.

Scotia Review
"Scotia Review is a Highland-based arts organisation, with an accent on Literature, but with strong roots in Music and the Visual Arts..."
Mm. Anyway.

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