So - that long post about homeopathy? I also once got told that the body responds to your emotional state in a measured and appropriate fashion. I'll try not to go into too much detail, but I have a... blockage. Something is blocking a sinus behind my left ear, and I wish it would just go away. I don't mind the whole dodgy balance thing that's going along with it - that's quite fun, really - but I do mind the excruciating bursts of pain that flare up somewhere at the corner of my jaw and jump straight to the top of my head. I'm guessing it's some kind of mild sinus infection, but it's very annoying, especially after two days of it...
Also realised this morning that I haven't written anything for days. Days and days and days. I've done a lot of reading, and I've got more that I want to do, but I haven't written anything of my own. In fact, it's worse than that - I haven't done anything creative at all for maybe a week.
So, this morning had a look at the
photoshop tutorials that
mara_sho posted - cheers Sho! Very helpful, 'specially cos this monkey is a complete numpty when it comes to photoshop and stuff like that. But - made some icons, which I'll put below, and I feel really pleased with myself, actually. And ashamed in equal measure... I'm really, really sorry about this.
So I feel a lot better now, which is good. And the usual applies - help yourselves, but comment & credit if taking, do not hotlink ++don't repost to Xanga++
Right - off to be productive, and maybe make a cup of tea or something. Yes, tea. Tea solves everything.