Kasumi, sorry about what happened at the ball! I seriously didn't know those cookies were laced, honest. I would've stayed with you, but Fai said he would and I'd already promised Rabi I'd meet up with him. And then right after the ball I got sick and then I got stuck trying to catch up to the classes I missed. Do you want me to make it up to you somehow?
Fai, I'm going to KILL YOU.
Raenef . . . where did you hear that story that you were telling Tai?!
Does anyone know when that stupid snog-o-thon is supposed to take place?! We can't protect the girls very well if we don't know when it's going on! It's on TODAY! Crappers!!! *runs off to keep an eye on Hinata and Kasumi*
Oh man. So not the best way to start the week. I haven't been hungover like that since, since . . . I can't remember. I even managed to stay sober at Rabi's birthday party. So what the heck happened this time?! I can't remember anything . . . And then Snape decided to slap me with an extra essay for whatever reason. Ugh.