Nov 30, 2005 15:31

Sooo . . . here's a list of little kid hijinks people are going to be seeing around the school today. XD

- 'Frankenstein' suits of armor walking around by themselves. Anyone listening carefully can hear whispers and giggles emanating from the thing. Also certain suits of armor will smell inexplicably like apple juice. ^^
- Snape's office is going to look like a whirlwind hit it. :D; Scratch that. D:
- Anyone with long hair is most likely going to find it tied to something by the end of the day.
- Very, um, creative read: crazy or just plain abstract snow-things around the school grounds outside.
- A 'cookie party' in the Gryff commons, courtesy of Starfire. :D
- Random low-value objects missing from pockets. These objects can be found in one of the suits of armor and behind the tapestries on the sixth floor (since chibi!Zidane fails at hiding stuff. XD)

More to come as we think of craziness!


- A bunch of them running around with blankets and such tied around their necks being 'super heroes'. XD
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