It lives.

Sep 16, 2005 15:55

Damnation, I knew it would happen eventually. Well - the post it note with my LJ username and password fell off the monitor, and during my EVA of last year, I trod on it, dragging it off into space.

The downside being that I haven't been able to post in this journal for about a year. But, you know what. I'm in orbit around the sun, at a distance of 1AU - and my orbit is such that this morning all I had to do was fire my thrusters a little bit, and head towards the spinny yellow thing.

I aimed, and I aimed, and I aimed some more, and then I pressed the big red thrust button. And bam, I now have a post it note stuck to my porthole. Admittedly it's the wrong way around, but when the ship rotates it gets backlit by the sun and I can see through it to read my password.

All I can really say, is YAY!

I even seem to have gained some friends in the interim - I shall try not to disappoint you dear comrades.

I shall sit for a while and stare at das blinkenlights (it's still one of the better ways to spend the time), and then I shall return before too long, to tell you more about my spacebound life.
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