Oct 01, 2008 21:04
Grab the nearest book.
Open to page 56.
Find the fifth sentence.
Post the next two to five sentences.
Don't dig, just find the closest!
Mmmkay. I actually had a choice! I chose the French book instead of HP&OP, so, yeah.
:P But there's only three and a half sentences on that book. So I'll put the last two, yeah?
Here it is: Le corps du Morhout fut enveloppe dans une piece de chainsil et mis au milieu de la salle, sur on chalit recouvert d'un drap de Syrie, a grand luminaire de cierges et de tortils. Le lendemain eut lier une messe a haute note, puis a croix et a procession, on mena le Morhout au champ des morts.
In case you can read french, it's a book about Tristam and Iseult, from Malory's Morte d'Arthur.