Feb 22, 2009 19:45
[1] Make a list of 5 things you can see:
1. Critiques.
2. Aquarium
3. Fuckingannoyingcat Splatt.
5. Clothes strewn about.
[2] Would you ever get plastic surgery?
Don't have time to think about that stuff.
[3] What are 5 things you usually keep in your pocket/bag/wallet?
1. Journal/notebook.
2. Wallet
3. iPod
4. Phone
5. Vietnam book.
[4] What person in your life has made the biggest impact on you?
Um. *shrug*
[5] What is your dream occupation? (It doesn't have to be realistic)
Profiler for the FBI.
Or, a vet.
[6] Would you rather lose an arm or have an incurable headache for the rest of your life?
As long as it's the left arm, they can have it. If it's the right arm, I'll keep the incurable headache, since...I...already have one...O.o
[7] Who is the last person you hugged?
My mom.
[8] What is your current obsession?
The Vietnam War.
[9] Whats the last text message you recieved?
Don't have it.
[10] What sites do you always visit when you go online?
Ymail, Gmail, Facebook, Hulu...
[11] Last thing you bought?
Food and a snazzy iPod case.
[12] What random useless fact did you learn today?
Everything I learned was useful.
[13] What do you usually drink in the morning?
Orange juice, recently, but mostly water and/or tea.
[14] What would you tell your 12 year old self if you could?
*hands self bottle of Cymbalta* TAKE IT EVERY FUCKING DAY.
[15] If you could play any musical instrument what one would you play?
Guitar, I suppose.
[16] Do you have any siblings?
[17] Whats something you would like to say to someone right now?
Nothing, really.
[18] If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Atlanta for college.
Europe in general.
South America in general.
[19] Whats your favourite kind of weather?
Sunny, warm, no wind.
[20] Whats the last show/gig/concert you went to?
MCR in like ninth grade. Unless you count the jazz performance for Arts?