Life after a week

Feb 02, 2007 06:55

THis is the end of my first full week of classes. I'm going to love this semester, if I can start out with my head above water, that is. I've done pretty well on the quizzes in Greek so far (high C and a Low B) and I sailed through my Hebrew comp quiz yesterday. If I stay strong, this semester won't be the death of me, but it might be the end of sanity for me....we'll see.

I have two total geek classes this semester! One is Biblical Aramaic which is like the New England accent of Biblical Hebrew. There's really no other way to describe it. Lots of long "a" sounds and funny vowel points and...yeah, it's just funny to read and try to decipher. The final for this class will be on the biblical passages that we translated from Ezra, Nehemiah, the Targum of Genesis, and the extra-biblical letter from some guy in Egypt. The final is Translate and Annotate...which basically means, once I've translated, I can pretty much write anything else about the passage that I want and it's all extra credit! The other class is Exegesis in the Minor Prophets. Basically, we read a new passage each week and tear it apart using this 12 step program to try and decipher what was said, what was meant, and how good the English has done in translating it. This, too, is a total geek class! I'm not gonna lie, I love being MaBL!

In other news, I'm exhausted all the time. I love my job. I love training, though my body currently hates me for it. We get to see the Perrons tonight!
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