long but funny

May 31, 2007 20:41

Long ago i woute a story and here is part two

"What, what is it what do you want"
"A pony"
"A what"
"A pony...sir"
" I hate you"
"No Seriously a pony would be cool, I could ride in around the base
and i shill call her Felicity"
"shut up why did you call me?"
"O right all base come with those A.I's thing right"
"Thats right your point"
" My point is were is our A.I thing .
"Good point"
"ware are you"
"level 19"
"Fine come to command"
"hel...A pony, why a pony?
you know what don't tell me forget i asked"
"I found the A.I mane frame it's on sub-leave 26 room A-1.
"Go turn it on"
"why did you call me to command to tell me, that we have an intercom.
"O I know, i just hate you....now go"
"why do you hate me"
"Because why"
"..........Shut up and go and put in the number to activate it 668509 don't fuck this one up"
"Your an ass sir"
"here i will write it down for you I know now go"
"OK I'm on the level, get it on the level?"
"Again I hate you so much"
"That was funny"
"No you suck"
"What room again sir"
"A-1 like the stake souse ...Now that one was funny"
"Nope you still suck"
"O that was a good one Sir did that one keep you up last night"
"It was a good one if i maybe say myself O by the way ones you go into the room we wont be able to talk any more."
"I don't know "
"Don't start with that"
"Start with what.....sir"
"Go in the room before i kill you"
"Can do sir bye"
"OK I'm going in..but you can't hear me can you, so if i said that i hate you and smell like poco you would never know."

Well com to A.I00034 inner face
Authorization code
"OK give me a sec...here we go button botton button"
Error Error
"Shit shit"
"Sir i think we have a problem"
"Funny i thought it was just in this room"
"Did you put in the code the right way"
"Ha ha Funny story..........I can't read"
"Why is that bad"
"O I'm so killing you...How did you get into the military?"
"I don't know"
Rebooting in 3.2.1 Reboot complete
784-A.I online call me GOGH
"Hi Gogh"
call me Betty
"O hi Betty cool we got two A.I's"
No call me Ramsey
"Hi Ramsey Even cooler three A.I's sir here's three of them"
"What.... no, thats bad"
"Three voice bad"
"why""Because one voice good"
"what's that mean"
"It means Our fucking A.I. is Schizophrenia ....fantastic"
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