Oct 02, 2005 16:33
wowser. i've been tagged. time to respond i guess. you know how i'm all for the band wagon. all aboard. here we go.
List ten things that make you happy:
1. Stephanie
2. the cottage
3. hanging out with fun people
4. family guy
5. jetski's
6. growing plants
7. thunderstorms
8. the smell of rain
9. temperate days
10. any amount of time away from school
List three things that bug you:
1. People that show their ingnorance at times when they should hold their tounges.
2. when i make silly ass mistakes that are so tiny but effect huge things.
3. when i can't remember something
Now tag 5 friends:
I have no friends. hahahaha.i'll just tag a bunch of people that have already gone.
1. patrrrrrrrrrick
2. justin
3. lisa
4. bfb
5. mr. foolery (even though he doesn't read mine i'm sure. i just wanted to type his name. hahahaha)