Jul 15, 2004 19:24
i mean holy shit. i drive through what some would call "the hood"(im white so i put things in quotes and over-pronounce things) on the way to work and every fucking person glares at me. What the shit did i do!?
16 year old kid on the way to work and people look at me like they wanna cut my throat with rusty pocket knife. its like i did something terrible and racist to every person in the neighborhood, when i dont even fucking know any of them!
good thing im white, im not allowed to be racist. less complications. when i go through the hood in the car they are allowed to glare at me like im some sort of evil asshole because of slavery. over a hundred years ago.
FUCKING NEWS FLASH: Certain portions of Africa enslaved their own people LONG before the goddam crackers went over there. It's not my fault!
but when white people wanted slaves, no one white "volunteered" for the position (...duh..) and rich blue eyed crackers bought and kidnapped slaves from Africa. Im sick of being blamed for it, IM A GODDAM IRISH ITALIAN! my family were immigrants AFTER slavery ended for christ sakes!
whatever. i probably deserve it because there are some assholes still in the south yelling the 'N' word in the middle of a slack-jawed cackle. in which case they are real honest to goodness redneck fucks who i would LOVE to see in the middle of san francisco throwing down some racist bullshit. we dont play that shit here, he'd get his ass beat.
moral: racial profiling. it's a bitch. im never letting this shit get to me. cut my tongue out you racist bitches, im steady.
*middle finger*