Title: Episode 301: Power to the People!
Author: pippiehippie
Rating: G
Genre: Comedy, season three
Summary: While waiting to see a parade, The Monkees mistakenly enter a gigantic protest march.
Exterior: Los Angeles/Afternoon
Mike, Davy and Micky come up to each other from different directions. Mike is still holding the sign.
There you fellas are! I’ve been trying to find you everywhere!
With that crowd I don’t know how anybody could find their way anywhere around here. I had a heck of a time just getting back to the sidewalk.
Hey you too? If it wasn’t for running into Niles I don’t think I would have gotten this far. (Pauses and looks at Mike) Hey what’s with the sign?
Oh some guy asked me to hold it for him for a minute. I got pulled into the march because of it, and I haven’t seen the guy since.
Never mind about the sign. What about Peter? Has anyone seen him lately?
He must still be lost in the crowd somewhere.
Well we’ll just have to go back into the protest march and look for him.
Go back in there? You must be joking! Do you know how hard it was to get out of there?
You mean you would actually leave Peter in there?
It’s a thought.
Now come on. We’ve got to get Peter out of there. Am I right? (Davy and Micky agree) Good. Now let’s go.
They start walking along the sidewalk. A little ways down they spot some police officers lined up behind a blockade, looking ready to stop the march by any means necessary. The three Monkees approach the police.
(Sets the sign down while still holding it upright in front of him) Excuse me officers. We are wondering if maybe we could get your help finding our friend.
Sorry son. But we are too busy making sure this march doesn’t get out of hand.
But you don’t understand! Our friend is lost in the march and we-
(Cuts him off) If he is in the march then we aren’t going to risk any of our officers here by interfering with such a large group of (pauses while giving the three of them a revolted look) long-haired weirdoes.
What do you think is going to happen in there?
They all look pretty peaceful. Looks like the worst that could happen is, what? You could get attacked by flowers or love beads.
Yeah! Just look what they did to Micky’s hair! The horror! (Micky remembers the flower in his hair then mocks being horrified by it)
With that many people we just don’t know what could happen.
Well I think you cops are just prejudice! (Micky and Davy cheer him on as he continues talking) You’re just looking at us as a bunch of young people who, in your eyes, are just always up to no good or we may start some sort of riot! And because of that you can’t see what’s really going on here! Look around at everyone! They’re all involved in the protest march because they’re passionate about a certain cause. They’re only trying to do what they believe is right. No one is acting violently. No one is causing any riots or any kind of harm to anyone around them. Everyone is marching along with one another and doing it in a peaceful manner. (Picks up the sign again) Now I ask you officers to kindly, stop worrying about what you think could happen with this march, and start worrying about something more important right now. Our friend is lost in there and we need help finding him. Don’t you think that it’s your duty to help citizens like us who are in need?
We’ve already told you we can’t help. We are sorry but we’re just too busy right now.
(Upset) Well you just have some real nerve! (Starts to approach the officers but is stopped by Mike and Micky) Just because you are in uniform doesn’t mean you can push us around like that!
Beat it, hippie. Before we arrest you for assaulting an officer.
Assaulting an officer? I’ll show you assaulting an officer! (starts to approach the police. Is intimidated by the look he receives from them instead) Like I said before you officers are doing a very fine job here. Don’t even think of changing a thing. (Steps away and rejoins Mike and Micky)
(Turns to Davy and Micky) Before things get worse here, why don’t you two try looking for Peter? I’ll stay here and try talking to these officers some more. Maybe I can talk some sense into them or something.
(Nods) Right. And if that doesn’t work, don’t be afraid to try pleading and begging. Come on Davy.
Micky and Davy walk away, heading back into the march.
(to be continued)