Dec 17, 2017 01:51
Which it has been. I am admittedly quite happy with my wine at this moment, but it has been an interesting year.
Dave and I are still living in our townhouse, which is both very nice but not without faults (it's FREAKING FREEZING in here, no matter how we try to insulate the windows!). We have our new little boy - our six month old kitten, who is solid black and full of it - so naughty sometimes we can't stand it.
My grandmother, my last living grandparent, died just over a month ago and, while I feel fine, I am still finding it odd to carry on without being able to tell her about what I've been doing.
Slightly less than a month ago, I passed the CPNE which is the Excelsior College final exam from hell (55% pass rate...), and I'm still having a hard time believing it and focusing on the NCLEX-RN.
It's just a weird frame of mind. I love Christmas and everything about it - always have. But I'm having a difficult time this year so far remembering that I am an adult who is somewhat successfully adulting, and cannot live in the past. No matter how much I want to be 16 again, it just will not happen.
Actually, I'm even living the dream I want, somewhat. Years ago, I started this journal, and never believed I'd be smart enough to be a nurse. Now I am GN (after years of being a CNA, LPN, and studying), and I am actually doing what I thought, years ago, I'd like to do. I am working in MY doctors' office. I've always loved the office as a patient. Doctors have changed, but the office hasn't. Hours are regular - no weekends or holidays. The doctors are wonderful. One asshole in the office, and the doctors seem to defend him every step of the way no matter how wrong he is, but otherwise I love it. But as a GN, and not an LPN any longer, I need to look further, and progress with my career.
The office I am in has ONE RN, and as a GN, there is no room for me unless she retires. I feel bad about that - my final came along much sooner than I thought, and I genuinely love what I am doing. But it is time to move on.
I guess I have the one asshole to thank. I called Excelsior A LOT looking for a cancellation date for the final exam after dealing with HIM. He reminded me that I am damn good at what I do, and that I love it, and he can fuck himself. That gave me the motivation to keep moving and not give up, even if I am comfortable.
I am sad to leave the office I work in currently - I love my coworkers (mostly), and my doctors who are PHENOMENAL (especially my PCP who I work for directly - he is WONDERFUL!!!), but I know to progress further in this field, I need to look further.
Right now, that is as a GN-RN at the hospital for my acute care experience.
10-15 years ago I still would've said anyone who said I could it is nuts.
I showed myself.