thanksgiving weekend

Nov 27, 2005 23:09

Thanksgiving weekend. Uhhh. Boring. I'm thankful for stuff, yea, but all we did was go to the russian lady and her bf's house. I sat outside and listened to my thing, and it started raining, but an insanely hot guy made my day better over there. Mmhm. I did bad things during the weekend. I shouldn't have. Tiff knows what I'm talking about. I said I'd quit, and yesterday I threw the rest away. I'll stop. Seriously. Oh, I saw underoath in Tampa Nov 11, and they were fucking awesome. I was 3rd row for the most part. It was insane this guy was crowdsurfing and he kicked me in the face so I punched him in the ass. I think he learned his lesson. I think I met him later too. I almost passed out in the crowd, by the 4th song I was just lying on people. Some guy kept grabbing my hair and wouldn't let go, I kept punching him and he finally let go. Then I MET CHRIS AND TIM AAHH!!! Chris signed my shirt and ticket and Tim signed my shirt. Chris was so awesome, I told him he looked good did he lose weight and he's like 'Yea dude I lost like 40 or 50 pounds' and we just talked. I think I scared Tim a bit, he probably know thinks I wanted him to sign my chest. Hahahahaaaaa. Met new people too that was cool, we wrote on a bathroom stall in a gas station somewhere in Tampa, and stopped by BK and saw a weird guy in short shorts who checked out Curtis' ass, then we told an old guy on a bike we'd race him, and he's like okay he was so cool!! But yea that was my Nov 11 I saw underoath, met 2 people, Aaron, Spencer, James, and Grant didn't come out but that's okay everything was awesome and I saw Aaron anyways before the show I was like 20 feet away from him, my heart collapsed in my chest. Needless to say that night made my life.
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